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Providing scientific solutions to today’s most pressing Issues

At HSWRI, we believe healthy oceans benefit all life on earth. We are building the models and programs to address the pressures on our oceans and the negative impacts on species, ecosystems and ultimately, on people’s lives. Our long-term goal is to safeguard the world’s essential ocean and marine life biodiversity in order to maximize the long-term ecological, social and economic benefits for people and nature. HSWRI applies a “whole ocean” approach by designing solutions that address issues in the context of the entire system so that multiple benefits can be achieved and unintended negative consequences can be avoided. We use science to find a balance in the way people interact with nature.

Thank you for considering to make an impact to our mission by making a donation.

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Your Financial Support Will Directly Impact These Programs

Fisheries Restoration / Sustainable Seafood

Nationally recognized aquaculture expert Mark Drawbridge, M.S., serves as the Director of the Institute’s Sustainable Seafood Program, which is focused on developing techniques for growing marine finfish for ocean replenishment and farming. Mark’s team is currently working to replenish wild stocks of depleted species such as white seabass, Pacific halibut and California yellowtail; while simultaneously developing a global model for sustainable aquatic farming as a means to “Feed the world with no measurable negative impact on the environment”. Your donations to this program can help our leading-edge researchers create the model to feed the world, replenish fish populations and provide economic value to American coastal communities.


Ocean Health

WHAT WE DO This program studies how marine life and the ocean are affected by natural and human-induced change. WHY IT MATTERS To promote ocean health, we are: • Studying ways to prevent disease transmission • Promoting ecosystem health and resilience • Providing rapid first response to dolphin, whale and other marine life strandings HOW YOU CAN HELP #SEACHANGENOW: Donate and our scientists will be able to promote a healthier planet where humans and marine life thrive together. Your gift will help: • Gauge risks of disease transmission between humans and marine life • Provide biomedical sampling kits to evaluate marine animal health • Underwrite Channel Islands expeditions to study the influences of climate change on ocean health


Wildlife Populations

WHAT WE DO We focus on understanding the relationships between marine animals and their environment in order to address threats to ecosystem health. WHY IT MATTERS Our research focuses on predicting and preventing impacts from: • Human disturbance • Habitat loss and pollution • Climate change HOW YOU CAN HELP #SEACHANGENOW: Your donations help us examine the interconnectedness of marine life and habitats by funding projects like: • Whale shark expeditions to study migrations and diving behavior • Boat surveys to monitor dolphin abundance and movement patterns • New techniques for evaluating penguin habitat use

Education and Outreach

Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute’s entire staff is unanimously committed to inspiring future generations of ocean scientists. This is done through advancing public appreciation for scientific discovery and encouraging life-long learning to inspire future generations of scientists and resource managers. We provide hands-on learning opportunities for people of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds, to promote careers in science through in-class student engagements and internships. Together we can inspire a love for science while encouraging ocean stewardship for a healthier world.

Animal Behavior

Using sound to harmonize human and animal interaction. With knowledge of how marine animals use sound for communication and survival, our scientists work with anglers, industry resource managers, and research collaborators to minimize injuries and mortality to both terrestrial and aquatic animals. Our bioacoustics program studies how marine animals produce and are affected by natural and human-made sound. By understanding how marine life uses sound for communication and survival, we can: • Minimize entanglements, injuries and mortality to dolphins, killer whales, polar bears and other species • Reduce the impacts of human-produced noise • Use sound to warn marine life of hazardous situations

Marine Mammal Stranding Response & Dolphin Ecology, Florida

Hubbs Marine Mammal Stranding program (@hubbsmms) is the federally authorized first responder to stranded/injured dolphins and whales in Brevard & Volusia counties. To report an animal at 1-888-404-3922. As first responders Hubbs scientist, and volunteer are on call 24/7 to provide assistance to live animals, and to examine and collect samples from dead animals. HSWRI conducts vital research on samples taken from these animals in order to investigate life-threatening diseases that affect both marine life and humans. This research informs Indian River Lagoon habitat management of potential actions to save bottlenose dolphins and other marine life.

Otter Spotter Program

North American river otters are playful, inquisitive animals that live along the shore of the Indian River Lagoon in Central Florida. A healthy otter population is a signal that the lagoon is doing well and supporting animals that rely on healthy fish, invertebrate animals and seagrass. Otters’ wellbeing can signal if there are environmental changes that could hurt wildlife and humans’ quality of life. One of our most popular programs is the citizen science project called Otter Spotter. Otter Spotters are trained observers that report their otter sightings to our program. This data help us understand structure, movement patterns and habitat use.

Sea Bass in the Classroom

Seabass in the Classroom is a hands-on program that encourages students to be practical problem solvers and increase their interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) topics. This unique aquaculture program allows students to personally grow, feed, monitor and release seabass in Southern California waters. The program also increases student awareness of aquaculture benefits; including sustainable food production and depleted fishery replenishment. The program currently serves more than 1,000 students at 11 schools throughout southern California, opening their minds to careers and higher education opportunities in science and the environment.