California Gulls

California Gulls nesting at the Great Salt Lake Although the California gull (Lams californicus) is the state bird of Utah, the history and status of colonies nesting at Great Salt Lake have not been well documented. Stansbury (1852) reported gulls nesting in 1850,...

Birds of Socorro Island

Avifauna of the Revillagigedo Islands In April 1978, a Carnegie Museum of Natural History/Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute expedition visited Socorro and San Benedicto islands, which are located between 370 and 400 km (230-250 miles) south of the tip of Baja...


Hybrid oystercatcher First sighting of a new hybrid oystercatcher in San Julian, Argentina Publication: Jehl,J.R. Jr. A New Hybrid Oystercatcher from South America, Haematopus Leucopodus X.H. Ater. Condor. 80:344-346....


Razorbill parent - chick vocalizations We investigated differences in parent—offspring vocal recognition between males and females in a natural population of razorbills Alca torda, a long-lived and highly social species of auk (Family: Alcidae). Razorbills provide...

Mono Lake

Wilson's phalaropes at Mono Lake National Geographic article on HSWRI research on Wilson’s phalaropes at Mono Lake. During June and July, these birds stop at this desolate inland sea to feed on brine shrimp to fatten up for their nonstop flight to Tierra del...