White Seabass Grow Out Pens

Citizen Science in Action since 1996 Volunteer groups are vital for HSWRI’s white seabass replenishment program. Fish are grown to appropriate sizes at various locations and released throughout the southern California...

Whale Surveys

Whale Survey in Alaska Randomized aerial surveys were flown between 26 July and 26 August 1984 to search for cetaceans in two areas of southwestern Alaska on both Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean sides of the Aleutian  Islands. Sightings were made of gray whales, fin...

Dolphin Boat Surveys

Boat surveys of dolphin populations Our team is committed to monitoring dolphin health and distribution along the east coast of Florida including the Indian River Lagoon and the Halifax River Estuary. Vessel-based survey efforts provide abundance estimates that are...

Baiji Dolphins

Yangtze River Dolphin Survey HSWRI researchers participated in a survey on the Yangtze River, searching for both the Yangtze finless porpoise and the rarer baiji. These porpoises are the only freshwater population of porpoises in the world, have been listed as...

American Marten

Effect of Vehicle Noise on American Martens Motorized recreation in North American wildlands is increasing, and technological developments in the power and range of vehicles has increased access to high-elevation habitats. The American marten (Martes americana) is...