Northern Spotted Owls

Threats to the northern spotted owl The iconic northern spotted owl was first listed as threatened in 1990, which led to 80% reduced logging in federal forests. Timber interests and conservatives have cited the northern spotted owl as an example of excessive or...

White Seabass Replenishment

White Seabass Research We evaluate post-release dispersal, growth and survival of hatchery-reared white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis) released as part of an experimental stock enhancement program in California. Releases of hatchery white seabass have been carried out...

Stock Enhancement

Responsible Stock Enhancement The evolutionary effects captive-bred individuals that can have on wild conspecifics are necessary considerations for stock enhancement programs, but breeding protocols are often developed without the knowledge of realized reproductive...

White Seabass Aquaculture

White Seabass Aquaculture The white seabass, Atractoscion nobilis, is a member of the family Sciaenidae, which includes croakers and drums. Atractoscion nobilis have numerous aquaculture characteristics desirable for commercialization, including excellent market...

Polar Bear Dens

Polar Bear Dens Oil and gas activities on Alaska’s North Slope overlap spatially with polar bear (Ursus maritimus) maternal denning habitat and temporally with the peri-partum and emergence periods. Noise associated with these activities can be substantial and...