Bowhead Whales

Alaskan bowhead whales Based on a long tradition, bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) off the North Slope of Alaska are subjects of a well-regulated modern hunt by Alaska Natives. During the spring hunt of 1993, 2 stone harpoon points were recovered from the dorsal...

Sooty Terns

Effect of sonic booms on Sooty Terns' eggs It has been proposed that sonic booms caused a mass hatching failure of Sooty Terns in the Dry Tortugas in Florida by cracking the eggshells. This paper investigates this possibility analytically, complementing previous...

Pelagic Crabs

Gulls feeding on pelagic crabs at San Nicolas Island during an El Nino event Swarms of live pelagic red crabs (Pleuroncodes planipes) began appearing in the surf and on beaches at San Nicolas Island (SNI), off southern California, in late December 1982. Although these...

California Gulls

California Gulls nesting at the Great Salt Lake Although the California gull (Lams californicus) is the state bird of Utah, the history and status of colonies nesting at Great Salt Lake have not been well documented. Stansbury (1852) reported gulls nesting in 1850,...

Birds of Socorro Island

Avifauna of the Revillagigedo Islands In April 1978, a Carnegie Museum of Natural History/Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute expedition visited Socorro and San Benedicto islands, which are located between 370 and 400 km (230-250 miles) south of the tip of Baja...


Hybrid oystercatcher First sighting of a new hybrid oystercatcher in San Julian, Argentina Publication: Jehl,J.R. Jr. A New Hybrid Oystercatcher from South America, Haematopus Leucopodus X.H. Ater. Condor. 80:344-346....