Dear friends of science and discovery,
All of us at Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute hope you, your family and friends are healthy and managing well during the Covid-19 quarantine.
We are all closely monitoring this health crisis along with the changes to our global economy because of it. In 1966, during a speech by Robert F. Kennedy, he said “We live in interesting times”. No truer words could fit today.
We are writing to you today because your faith in our mission compelled you to support us financially. Along with many others, your gifts have made us stronger and allowed us to grow our science programs and projects. Then along comes Covid-19 and everything changes. And with that we have changed to, even as we continue to perform our mission critical activities.
To both reserve resources and observe CDC recommendations, we have:
- Instituted a “work from home” policy for all non-animal-life-support staff.
- Paused all non-essential programs and projects.
- Suspended spending on all facilities upgrades and retrofits.
- Ceased all non-animal-life-support procurement activities.
Yet our work is ongoing as we:
- Feed the animals in our care
- Perform health assessments on the animals in our care.
- Maintain healthy living environments for the animals in our care.
- Respond to all dolphin and whale strandings and entanglements in central Florida.
- Preform mission critical science based on wildlife migration opportunities.
Our work is ongoing which requires ongoing support. We understand your family is your top priority, but if you possess the means to donate, along with a desire to see us keep pace with our immediate needs, we’re asking you to make a donation today.
May we request all donations to be provided online (No mail please). To make your donation, either click this link: Support HSWRI now OR contact us and we’ll personally guide you in this process:
Thank you for considering our request.
Best wishes of good health.
Don Kent
President & CEO