Success for Seabass Replenishment

Success for Seabass Replenishment

After a genetic analysis, HSWRI researchers discovered that the white seabass replenishment program might be much more successful than tag recovery initially indicated. Read more
Inspiring The Next Generation

Inspiring The Next Generation

Through our hands-on aquaculture program, “Seabass in the Classroom,” we have promoted STEM learning in 13 California schools, serving 2,650 students and releasing over 3,200 seabass. Read more
Spawn of A New Species

Spawn of A New Species

Building on our success with white seabass, HSWRI began raising California halibut to replenish depleted native stocks. Read more
From Spawn to Table

From Spawn to Table

California yellowtail, known as hiramasa on the market, is a highly desirable fish for sports anglers and restaurants alike. HSWRI researchers were the first to successfully spawn and rear the larvae of California yellowtail. Read more