Goodbye to the Baiji

Goodbye to the Baiji

Our researchers surveyed China’s Yangtze River in search of the rare Baiji dolphin and Yangtze finless porpoise. Unfortunately, we didn’t find any Baiji making this animal the first cetacean species to be driven to extinction by human activity. Is the Yangtze finless...
A Seal’s Dinner Bell

A Seal’s Dinner Bell

For years, researchers tagged fish with acoustic pingers, but could these pings signal to marine mammals that food is nearby? With the help of SeaWorld, we discovered what marine mammals could hear. Read more
Dolphin Re-Count

Dolphin Re-Count

After 30 years, HSWRI’s team did a follow-up survey of dolphin populations in the Indian River Lagoon. Long-term monitoring of abundance and distribution is essential to understand ecological degradation effects on the species. Read more
Seagrass – a Favorite for Sea Cows

Seagrass – a Favorite for Sea Cows

Using samples from rescued manatees in SeaWorld and wildlife populations, researchers conducted the first isotope analysis to determine a manatee’s diet. By comparing diets from different populations, we could assess precisely what manatees eat in the wild,...
Covering Florida’s Coastline

Covering Florida’s Coastline

As members of the NOAA-sponsored US stranding response team since its formation in 2002, our team provides emergency stranding response for 40% of Florida’s east coast. This portion of Florida includes Brevard County, a stranding hot-spot with more than twice the...