Oil Spill Response

Oil Spill Prevention, Research and Response HSWRI has been involved with oil spill prevention, research and response for more than 30 years. In the mid-1980s, HSWRI conducted research on methods to clean sea otter fur. HSWRI researchers found that dishwashing liquid...

Minke Whales

Minke Whale Helicopter Surveys from McMurdo Station Our objective was to describe the distribution, size, and behavior of the Ross Island segment of minke whale populations summering in the Ross Sea. Eight helicopter survey flights in 1981 were conducted over the...

Bowhead Whales

Alaskan bowhead whales Based on a long tradition, bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) off the North Slope of Alaska are subjects of a well-regulated modern hunt by Alaska Natives. During the spring hunt of 1993, 2 stone harpoon points were recovered from the dorsal...

Sooty Terns

Effect of sonic booms on Sooty Terns' eggs It has been proposed that sonic booms caused a mass hatching failure of Sooty Terns in the Dry Tortugas in Florida by cracking the eggshells. This paper investigates this possibility analytically, complementing previous...

Pelagic Crabs

Gulls feeding on pelagic crabs at San Nicolas Island during an El Nino event Swarms of live pelagic red crabs (Pleuroncodes planipes) began appearing in the surf and on beaches at San Nicolas Island (SNI), off southern California, in late December 1982. Although these...