OREHP Hatchery

Carlsbad Hatchery Established in 1995, HSWRI’s Leon Raymond Hubbard Jr., Marine Fish Hatchery is a White Seabass broodstock hatchery built specifically for this purpose in Carlsbad, California. With base funding from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife,...

SeaWorld San Diego Related Research

When the Institute was incorporated as a non-profit by the founders of SeaWorld a year before the first SeaWorld opened in San Diego, their intent was to promote the study of marine animals toward the benefit of wild populations. Observing this conservation ethos,...

Ratite Noise Study

Effects of Low Aircraft Overflights Noise study on emus’ reactions to aircraft Publication: Bowles, A.E., E. Berg, and N. Abraham, 1997. Effects of Low-Altitude Overflights on Ratities. PP 646-651. In Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of the...

Greenland Ringed Seals

Satellite tracking of ringed seals We monitored movements and haul-out patterns of four ringed seals Phoca hispida, off Northwest Greenland between 5 June and 31 October 1988 using the Argos Data Collection and Location System. When the seals were hauled out on fast...

White Seabass Grow Out Pens

Citizen Science in Action since 1996 Volunteer groups are vital for HSWRI’s white seabass replenishment program. Fish are grown to appropriate sizes at various locations and released throughout the southern California...

Whale Surveys

Whale Survey in Alaska Randomized aerial surveys were flown between 26 July and 26 August 1984 to search for cetaceans in two areas of southwestern Alaska on both Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean sides of the Aleutian  Islands. Sightings were made of gray whales, fin...