Dolphin Entanglements

Preventing dolphin entanglements in tuna nets From 1969 to 1976 HSWRI researchers worked in conjunction with Southwest Fisheries Science Center tagging and tracking 3,712 dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Researchers were trying to discover any migration...

Dolphin Associations

Dolphin social associations from calf to juvenile In many long-lived mammalian species, association patterns between individuals have been found to influence sociality, behavioral traits, survival, and longevity. In common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), the...

Killer Whale Interactions

Eliminating interactions between killer whales and longline fisheries Increased sablefish or black cod (Anoplopoma fimbria) catches in the 1980s in Prince William Sound and the Bering Sea lead to more reports of killer whales interfering with fishing vessels by...

Desert Tortoises

Hearing and metabolism of desert tortoises Testudinates (turtles and tortoises) have been characterized as deaf because many species exhibit little response to sounds in their environment. However, they possess auditory organs, and several species of tortoises,...

Baikal Seals

Baikal seal seasonal movements and dive patterns The Baikal seal (Phoca sibirica) is confined to Lake Baikal in southern Siberia. The breeding distribution of seals in winter, when the lake is frozen over, is fairly well known, whereas their movements and foraging...