Sea Turtle Recovery

Pacific Sea Turtle Recovery HSWRI staff served as the Team Leader of the Pacific Sea Turtle Recovery Team,  professional biologists experienced with marine turtles in the Pacific region who drafted recovery plans for species of turtle in 1998. All six species of...

Florida Leatherback Turtles

Leatherback turtle tracking We tracked 10 leatherback turtles by satellite from 2 Florida Atlantic Coast nesting beaches for a period ranging from 38 days to more than 454 days. Movement and foraging areas were often coastal, which contrasts with other satellite...

Leatherback Sea Turtle

Leatherback Sea Turtle Swim Movements Swim speed, dive behavior and movements were recorded for seven female leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) during a single internesting interval near St Croix in the US Virgin Islands.  Turtles swam continuously...

Deep Rover

Deep Rover In 1985 HSWRI was part of the team that tested the Deep Rover at San Clemente Island, California. This pilot project was coordinated by Sylvia Earle who previously founded Deep Ocean Engineering and Deep Ocean Technology with British engineer Graham Hawkes...

Leopard seals

Leopard seals at Easter Island (Rapa Nui) Though leopard seals live and reproduce almost exclusively in fast ice and pack ice habitats surrounding the Antarctic Continent, they have been reported to range northward to South Georgia in the South Atlantic Ocean, South...